Saturday, January 25, 2014

The gift of the God

The God is blind
In distribution of fortunes,
But is kind
In giving away a gift
To all alike,
Which is that no one knows
When he will die,
Which is why each one lives,
Till he dies,
With hopes kept alive.

For the fair deal

Your thumb and index
Only labour most
To deliver you the best.
But which finger do you adorn
With a golden ring?
Why should you, then,
Cry for fair deal from others?

Of beauty

Hen to cock, cow to bull, and pig to bore
Are as much a beauty as woman to man
In the arena of sex. Beauty is at naught
When bereft of lust in an individual.

To triumph is to succumb

Echoed Sugreeb,
‘I annihilated Bali!’.
Ecstasies from his wife,
‘I am redeemed’.
But wept his father,
‘I lost a son’.

Pledged the wise,
‘We wiped out the pest’.
Bowed the mankind,
‘We are saved best’.
But the Creator felt,
‘The nature is at its worst’.

Man triumphs nature
To succumb to Nature.
09.07.97, Agartala

Saturday, August 14, 2010

No risk, no gain

One seed dies to produce million.
Not to lose is not to gain.

Some die to redeem the rest.
Not to stoop is not to rise.

Ego dies to earn wisdom.
Not to listen is not to learn.

Brave is the tiger

Gregarious is not the tiger.
Gregarious is not the Banyan.
So is any brave man.
Gregarious is only deer and grass,
Like of who are the cowards.
Only the insecure one seeks peers.

Bitter is stronger

The lender remembers but the debtor not, the debts.
The injurer forgets but the wounded not, the hurts.
Better be off violence if not of benevolence.